Model 3. But is there anything good that happens to this car?!


Today, almost a true case study on what should not happen with a car, the Tesla Model 3 is still an authentic “beating bag”. Since, after criticism from customers regarding the successive delays that the US company has been forced to make in deliveries, it is now institutional investors, who believed in Elon Musk's project and invested money in the Model 3, who are rooting for the nose to the one who is the final product!

Tesla Model 3

Invited to get to know Tesla's new product firsthand, Bernstein analyst Toni Sacconaghi came to the conclusion that the Model 3 has widespread deficiencies in detail and finish.

Model 3 with poor finishes and details

The problem, by the way, is not new in Tesla's products, whose first units have invariably presented deficiencies of this kind. And that, in the specific case of the brand's latest model, have not yet been resolved, despite production already underway for four months.

"We had the opportunity to observe and drive the Model 3 [...], and the finishes and details in the two pre-series units we had at our disposal were, not surprisingly, relatively poor. Although this situation could have an impact, or even be noticeable, on the part of potential customers, we no longer have any doubts that poor overall quality will pinch the image of the Tesla brand and, very likely, overload its distribution network."

Toni Sacconaghi, analyst at Bernstein

Tesla recognizes shortcomings, but not much.

As for the reactions of those responsible for Tesla, the same interlocutor revealed that "they recognized some of the deficiencies, although they also said that they believe that the Model 3 is, at this stage of production, better than both the Model S and the Model X were “.

Tesla Model 3

Still, “we can't help but think that Tesla will have shared with us its most perfect and cared-for units at this time. Therefore, in the remaining units, these problems should be even more evident”, concluded the Bernstein analyst.

Certainly, these are not the comments that Tesla and Elon Musk were hoping to hear…

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