Life is too short to be 'of origin'


Anyone who reads Razão Automóvel knows that we live the car intensely, from the most modest to the most exciting. Driving is needed, I wrote a few weeks ago — among other articles that I hope will bring you back to our crime scene. The video that we have highlighted is another one of those appeals to the passionate side of the car.

For many of you, it won't be easy to explain to those who don't breathe automobiles why they're spending loads of money on a project that is destined to be unfinished.

After all, perfection is rarely achieved and there is always something that can be improved, isn't there? The wheels, the color, the interior… not to mention the engine! Perhaps this article will make these people better understand the 'manias' of those who make motor oil their moisturizing cream — not just for their hands but also for their souls.

For those who don't breathe the same air as us, things get even more confusing when we explain to them that we know very well that when the separation is eventually consummated through an advertisement for sale on the internet, no one will pay us the money we spent on the car and above all, there is nothing to pay for the hours locked in the garage.

Still, we go back to repeating the recipe, over and over again. That 'vacation' for that 'play', isn't it? It's because? Because maybe as this video says “life is too short to be 'of origin'”.

“This place… it’s all too familiar. It’s where you’ve spent the last 4 sleepless days wrenching, breaking your knuckles, and pouring your heart and soul into your passion. And all for what? This?
It’s no secret that our idea of ​​perfection is not in some advertisement, in a fuel economy number, or a comfortable ride with trunk space. We see the canvas. One that becomes a unique work of art.

There are few people who have an understanding of what it's like to flirt with the line between genius and insanity. We’re often misunderstood, and we like it that way, it’s what makes it… special.

For some it's the drive. Others it’s the build. However we give it soul and bring it to life.
This lifestyle isn’t something we expect to be understood. It's a unique language that exists between us. Which is spoken through style, grip, and horsepower. Isn't it obvious…? life is too short to stay stock.”

I confess that in 90% of cases I look with suspicion at the changes that many owners carry out in their cars — likes are likes, nothing against them. In the remaining 10% I am able to spend hours listening to the smallest details of the restoration or improvement process. The tuning of the suspensions, the internal changes in the engine or even the headaches with the electrical part.

Whether you like it or not, tuning is undoubtedly an intense way to experience cars. I prefer competition, which is also a form of tuning but less focused on personal taste and totally focused on the stopwatch. How sad the car world was if we all liked it. And thou? What do you like, leave us your testimony in the comments.

sense of life

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