Historic competition vehicles can now circulate on public roads


The measure had long been requested by the FPAK and by the certifying entities and now, thanks to a decision published in Diário da República historic competition vehicles can now be used legally on public roads.

Basically, what Deliberation No. 1144/2020 did was to extend to historic competition vehicles a regime that was already applied to current competition models.

After all, it is not unusual for events like the Rally de Portugal to cross each other on the road during connections with the cars that race in the qualifying rounds. Now, from now on, classics that are subject to modifications in order to compete (such as the installation of security systems such as rollbars or competition benches) can do the same.

Peugeot 208 R4
Until now only modern racing cars could be used legally on public roads.

What does the law say?

So that there is no doubt about this change, we leave you here the text of Deliberation n.º 1144/2020 published today in Diário da República:

“Summary: Authorizes transformations of historic vehicles to adapt to sporting competition established in deliberation of the IMT, IP.

Through Decree-Law No. 59/2020, of 17 August, which amended Decree-Law No. 180/2014, of 24 December, the legal regime for approval, attribution of registration, change of characteristics was extended and inspection of cars, mopeds, motorcycles, tricycles and quadricycles participating in sports competition, for the purpose of circulation on public roads, to historic vehicles participating in sports competition.

Paragraph 3 of article 4 of Decree-Law no. 180/2014, in its current wording, determines that the transformations of historic vehicles for adaptation to sporting competition established in deliberation of the IMT, IP are authorized.

Thus, the Board of Directors of IMT, IP resolves, pursuant to the provisions of paragraph k) of paragraph 3 of article 3 of Decree-Law no. 236/2012, of October 31, with the last wording in force, the following:

1 – Historic cars participating in sports competition, as such recognized under Decree-Law No. 180/2014, in its current wording, must be presented in accordance with the technical characteristics with which the vehicle was registered, being admitted the following transformations to adapt to sport competition:

a) Seat belts and respective installation, with the approval of the FIA ​​- International Automobile Federation or certification of the national sports entity, ECE/UN or European Union, suitable for their installation in the vehicle seats and with visible and indelible approval mark and when applicable, within its validity period.

b) “Roll-bar – interior, without interference with seat belts, field of vision or opening and access system to vehicle doors, not constituting a risk for vehicle occupants, complying with the provisions of the FIA ​​technical regulations.

c) Seats adapted to the competition, of a model and fixing conditions approved by the FIA ​​or certification of the national sports entity, ECE/UN or European Union and with visible and indelible approval mark.

d) Anti-approach bars applied to the suspension ends.

2 – The alterations referred to in the previous number do not require the approval of this Institute or endorsement in the vehicles' identification documents.

3 - This resolution enters into force on October 1, 2020.”

Source: Clube Português de Automóveis Antigos.

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