It remains "alive". Sony Vision-S in road tests


Launched as a prototype at CES 2020 to showcase Sony's advances in mobility, supposedly with no intentions of going into production, the Sony Vision-S it continues, however, in testing.

About a year after its unveiling and as Sony had promised, the Vision-S began to be tested on public roads, adding to the rumors that it could become a production model.

In total, the technological giant released two videos where we can not only see the Sony Vision-S in road tests, but we also get to know its development a little better.

Sony Vision-S
For this new testing phase, Vision-S won… enrollments.

A technological showcase

With the videos “leaving in the air” the idea that the Vision-S has been more developed than one would expect in a prototype that is not intended to reach production, the “secrets” of this Sony car are becoming known.

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For example, in one of the videos you can see the infotainment system, which extends across the entire dashboard, confirming that one of the screens serves to show a digital rendering of the environment surrounding the car.

Other menus allow access to images from the 12 cameras that equip the Vision-S, to areas dedicated to multimedia and other functions.

What is already known?

Equipped with a total of 40 sensors (originally there were “only” 33), the Sony Vision-S has systems such as LIDAR (solid state), a radar that allows detecting and recognizing people and objects outside the vehicle or the ToF system (Time of Flight) which detects the presence of people and objects inside the car.

In addition to this, we have two infotainment screens on the front headrests, the touchscreen that extends over the entire dashboard and the “360 Reality Audio” sound system.

Able, according to Sony, to reach Level 2 of autonomous driving, the Vision-S uses two electric motors with 200 kW (272 hp) each, ensuring full traction (one engine per axle), which allows it to achieve the 100 km/h in 4.8s and the 239 km/h of top speed.

It has a weight of 2350 kg and dimensions close to those of the Tesla Model S, measuring 4.895 m in length, 1.90 m in width and 1.45 m in height.

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