State Budget 2021. State plans to charge 93 million euros in traffic fines, 58 times more than in 2020


The State Budget for 2021 (OE 2021) was presented yesterday, Tuesday, by the Government and provides for the collection of 93 million euros in traffic fines , an increase 58 times higher than the 1.6 million euros estimated for this year, advances Público.

We have to take into account that the State's revenues generated by the collection of fees, fines and other penalties are falling in 2020 — 20% less registered until the end of July, the equivalent of 400 million euros less in the State's coffers — because of the pandemic and the restrictions it forced and still requires.

The increase seems disproportionate, but ends up reflecting more the atypical year we are living in, in which there is a sharp drop in revenue. If we go back a year, the Government's forecasts for 2020 pointed to an income of 87.2 million euros in fines and fines for violations of the highway code.

It is not only the expected traffic fines to be levied that have seen a significant increase in the Government's forecast. In total, the 2021 State Budget points to an estimated revenue of 3175 million euros in fees, fines and other penalties, an increase of 35.2% compared to this year, which translates into an additional 826.7 million euros of revenue.

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This total is divided into approximately 80% for tax revenue, with the remaining 20% ​​for fines.

Source: Public.

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