Ford Lane Maintenance System no longer needs markings


Driving in rural areas is an added risk. The condition of the floor, lack of markings and unmarked areas can pose a threat. That's why Ford has been committed to the development and evolution of technology to make driving in rural areas easier.

THE Ford Road Edge Detection — road boundary detection system — is one such system. This safety device assesses the road conditions ahead and corrects the trajectory whenever necessary.

How it works

Designed for use on rural roads at speeds up to 90 km/h, Ford Road Edge Detection uses the camera located under the rear view mirror to monitor the road limits up to 50 m in front of the vehicle and up to 7 m in front of the vehicle. your side.

Where the pavement changes to cobblestone, gravel or turf, the system provides trajectory correction whenever necessary, preventing the vehicle from moving out of the lane.

It is these cameras that feed an algorithm that determines when there are clear structural changes in the road vis-à-vis the surrounding area. And it can even provide driving support on marked roads when the respective lane marking is hidden by snow, leaves or rain.

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If the driver is still close to the roadside after initial steering support, the system will vibrate the steering wheel to alert the driver. At night, the system uses headlight lighting and works just as effectively as during the day.

now available

Road Edge Detection is available in Europe on Focus, Puma, Kuga and Explorer, and will be part of the expansion of driving assistance technologies launched in new Ford vehicles.

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