How to check how many points you have on your driving licence?


In force since 2016, the points driving license is starting to have few secrets for Portuguese drivers (especially if they have read this article).

However, there is one question that continues to plague many drivers and it is: how do I know how many points I have on my licence?

Contrary to what you might imagine, finding out how many points you have on your driving license is quite simple and to do it you don't even need to… leave the house.

driving license for points

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“Technological shock”, of course

Bearing in mind that the driving license for points was launched in Portugal on 1 July 2016, it would be strange that the consultation of points could not be done electronically.

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That said, the consultation of the points on the driving license is carried out on a specific platform, more specifically on the ANSR Road Administrative Offenses Portal. In addition to being able to consult the points of your letter on this platform, you can also keep track of registered fines and penalties.

How do I register?

Once on the ANSR platform, you must register, and there are three types of users who can register: natural, legal and authorized persons.

In this article we talk about natural persons (drivers) and they can register using the Citizen's Card (if they have a card reader) or by registering on the platform.

To do this, the following data are required: full name; NIF; type of driving license; issuing country; driving license number; full address; personal identification and email address.

After entering this data, you will receive a link in your e-mail address so that you can define your password to access the platform.

On this platform and as explained earlier in this article, you will be able to consult the points you have in the letter, the fines and penalties.

Attention: if you have had a fine that does not result in the loss of points, it will not be referenced on the ANSR platform. Only infractions that result in the withdrawal of points are listed on this portal.

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