Renault also has a new logo that draws inspiration from the past.


Confirming what can already be considered a “trend” in the automotive industry, Renault also adopted a new logo.

First seen on the Renault 5 Prototype, the new logo left the 3D format, taking on a more “digital-friendly” 2D presentation. At the same time, and just like the prototype where it appeared, this logo has a nostalgic look, not hiding the inspiration from the brand's past.

The new logo is very similar to the one the brand used between 1972 and 1992 and which appeared on the front of all original Renault 5s. The inspiration is clear, however, in this adaptation to the present day, it has been simplified, using fewer lines than the original to define it.

Renault 5 and Renault 5 Prototype

discreetly revealed

While its rival Peugeot unveiled the new logo with special 'pomp and circumstance', Renault opted for a more discreet approach, unveiling the new logo in a prototype that by itself captured all the attention.

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Now, after a few months, the Renault retro logo has started to make its first appearances, appearing not only on the brand's social media pages but also in its latest advertising campaign.

In this campaign, dedicated to a special series of Zoe (model that, curiously, comes with the designation Zoe E-Tech) the new logo makes its appearance right at the end, confirming the new image of the French brand.

For now, Renault has not yet released when the logo will appear on its models. However, the first to use it is likely to be the production version of Prototype 5, which will be released in 2023.

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