Volkswagen ID.3 put to the test by Euro NCAP. How did you behave?


The debut of a platform in the Euro NCAP tests is always an event, even more so when it comes to one as well known (and important for the future of several brands) as the MEB used by Volkswagen ID.3.

That said, it's no wonder that the encounter of the new ID.3 with the new and increasingly demanding Euro NCAP tests is capturing the attention of the automotive world.

This means, for example, that ID.3 took on board during the test the new crash test dummy (aka THOR ), ran into a mobile progressive deformation barrier and saw its driving assistants put to the test more severely.

Volkswagen ID.3 Euro NCAP

How did you do?

To put an end to a hypothetical suspense that may have been created since the beginning of this text, we inform you that the new Volkswagen ID.3 has achieved the coveted five stars.

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Thus, in the four categories evaluated — adult protection, child protection, pedestrian protection and driving assistance systems — the ID.3 reached, respectively, 87%, 89%, 71% and 88%.

In the category rating chapter, ID.3 was slightly behind Tesla Model 3, which managed 96% in adult protection, 86% in child protection, 74% in pedestrian protection and 94% in the category for safety systems. driving assistance. However, it must be remembered that Model 3 was still tested according to the old rules.

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