Cold Start. This is not the way to go around a roundabout


What doesn't seem to happen in this short film shared on Reddit, which shows drivers in serious difficulty in approaching a roundabout, the first to be installed in a rural area in the state of Kentucky, USA.

The new roundabout has replaced an earlier intersection which is located at the intersection of highways 60 and 801, through which around 4000 vehicles pass daily.

The purpose of a roundabout is to improve traffic flow and safety levels, but the truth is that they are not usually common in the US — as we mentioned, this is the first one installed in this rural region.

For many of these drivers it is very likely that this is the first roundabout they have seen “live and in color”, perhaps justifying the confusion we can see in the video.

The errors observed are very serious, including going against the traffic at the roundabout and traveling in the opposite direction to the traffic.

Even here in our “corner”, it is still common to see errors by several drivers when entering and leaving roundabouts, so it is never too much to remember the correct way to do them:

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