BMW 3 Series, six-cylinder, for sale, cheap and… where's the bodywork?


If you're a BMW fan but at the same time always dreamed of having a kartcross (or something similar) then this 3 Series is for you. Advertised on Craigslist, it's for sale for just $2500 (about €2200) and looking at it it's not hard to see why.

Designated by the seller as BMW "Death Cart" , the ad doesn't give us much information (and what it does is, to say the least, contradictory). Let's see, in one point of the ad the seller says that it is a 2019 M3 (something that, looking at what is left of the car, seems very unlikely), in another he says that it is an M3, but from 1995.

Although this statement is more consistent with what we see of the car (which appears to be a BMW 3 Series E36), the statement that it is an M3 seems very optimistic, as nowhere is what remains of the bodywork or on the cover of the valves is a reference to the famous BMW sports division.

BMW 3 Series

What is it for?

This must be the question that everyone who has come across this ad asks themselves? What is the use of a completely “shredded” BMW 3 Series with two drumsticks and a roll bar?

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The answer to that question is simple. With rear-wheel drive, a five-speed manual gearbox and very little weight — there's not much left of the original car, is there? — this BMW “Death Cart” is a great toy for those who don't mind spending just over 2000 euros.

BMW 3 Series

The only problem? Whoever buys it will need a trailer because, of course, this BMW has long since ceased to be road legal. However, the current owner says that he has the mudguards, the tailgate and the rear optics in his possession, and that he only needs to go to the DMV (the US IMT) to legalize him again.

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