Get to know the new traffic signs


It is in April 2020 that we will see the arrival of new traffic signs and the updating of others, following the amendment to the Traffic Signaling Regulation, which was published in Diário da República, on October 22nd.

A measure that aims to update and optimize road signs in line with the National Road Safety Strategic Plan, or PENSE 2020.

Among the new features, emphasis is placed on the new residence or coexistence zone sign, which defines areas where pedestrians and vehicles share the same space. The maximum speed in these zones is 20 km/h and pedestrians prevail.

Taken from Regulatory Decree No. 6/2019:

Residence or coexistence zones, designed for shared use by pedestrians and vehicles, where special traffic rules apply, must be marked as such, justifying the creation of a residential or coexistence zone information sign. (...)

In the variable message signage, some changes are introduced, namely the possibility of using, on the respective panels, the symbols contained in the danger signs, with merely informative value.

In places where situations of special danger may occur, traffic signs may be inscribed on the pavement, namely the sign indicating the prohibition of exceeding the maximum speed, complementing the vertical signage to alert users of the imposed speed limits. (...)

Responding to social evolution, new information signs are introduced, new tourist, geographical, ecological and cultural indication symbols, as well as new tables with the graphic representation of the signs of drivers, traffic regulators and the graphic representation of light signs.

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The new traffic signs

Some are already known, but others are totally new:

2020 road signs
2020 road signs
2020 road signs
2020 road signs
2020 road signs
2020 road signs
2020 road signs
2020 road signs
2020 road signs
2020 road signs
2020 road signs

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