Audi TT RS hnav khaub ncaws rau 40 xyoo ntawm lub quattro system


Lub cim ntawm Audi, lub quattro system ua kev zoo siab rau nws 40th hnub tseem ceeb xyoo no. Yog vim li cas uas justifies lub creation, los ntawm lub German hom, ntawm ib tug tshwj xeeb series ntawm Audi TT TSI.

Txwv rau 40 units thiab tshwj xeeb rau lub lag luam German, lub Audi TT RS 40 xyoo ntawm quattro (qhov no yog nws lub npe nom tswv) los nrog ib tug tshwj xeeb kho kom zoo nkauj uas aims kom hwm tus qauv uas immortalized no tag nrho-log tsav system: thawj Audi Quattro.

Nyob rau hauv txoj kev no, TT RS tau pleev xim rau hauv Alpine dawb thiab tau txais ntau lub logo thiab decals uas rov qab los ntawm Audi Sport quattro S1 uas Walter Röhrl yeej xyoo 1987 ntawm Pikes Peak. Ntawm lub hood peb muaj cua nkag nrog gloss carbon tag thiab ntxiv rau qhov no kuj tseem muaj 20 "logs thiab txais yuav cov khoom siv aerodynamic.


Tsim nyob rau hauv cov cua qhov, nws suav nrog, ntawm lwm yam, xws li lub hauv ntej splitter, ib tug ruaj rear tis thiab ib tug diffuser. Tag nrho cov no txhais ua downforce ntawm lub rear qag ntawm lub siab tshaj plaws ceev ntawm ib ncig ntawm 5 kg.

Raws li rau sab hauv, peb tuaj yeem, yog tias peb xav tau, muab lub rooj zaum tom qab, hloov lawv nrog cov qauv carbon uas tso cai rau peb ntxiv qhov torsional rigidity thiab poob qhov hnyav (kwv yees li 16 kg). Txawm nyob rau ntawd peb pom Alcantara tiav, ob peb lub logo thiab, ntawm chav kawm, cov quav hniav uas nco ntsoov tias Audi TT RS no tshwj xeeb.


Thiab mechanics?

Hauv tshooj tshuab, Audi TT RS 40 xyoo ntawm quattro siv tsib lub tog raj kheej 2.5 TFSI los ntawm Audi Sport (interestingly, tib yam siv los ntawm KTM X-Bow GTX).

Sau npe yuav mus rau peb tsab ntawv xov xwm

Tus yeej ntawm "International Engine of the Year Award" cuaj zaug, lub cav no tau nthuav tawm hauv qhov tshwj xeeb Audi TT RS nrog 400 hp thiab 480 Nm, xa nws lub zog rau plaub lub log los ntawm quattro system (uas muaj kev xaiv tswj torque) ntawm xya-ceev S tronic gearbox.


Tag nrho cov no tso cai rau Audi TT RS 40 xyoo ntawm quattro ncav cuag qhov siab tshaj plaws ntawm 280 km / h thiab ncav cuag 0 txog 100 km / h hauv tsuas yog 3.7s.

Raws li peb tau hais lawm, nws yuav raug txwv rau tsuas yog 40 units uas yuav raug muag tshwj xeeb hauv lub teb chaws Yelemees, nrog rau TT RS 40 xyoo ntawm quattro raug nqi ntau heev 114 040 euros, nrog kev muag khoom pib lub hlis no.

Nyeem ntxiv