Algae li roj ntawm lub neej yav tom ntej? Nws yog Mazda tus thawj koom ruam


Mazda kwv yees tias los ntawm 2030 nyob ib ncig ntawm 95% ntawm cov tsheb uas nws yuav tsim tau yuav siv lub tshuab hluav taws xob sab hauv ua ke nrog qee hom hluav taws xob. Qhov no txhais tau hais tias cov roj ua kua yuav txuas ntxiv mus ua qhov tseem ceeb hauv kev lag luam kom txog thaum (tsawg kawg) 2040. algae-raws li biofuels kom txo qis CO2 emissions.

Vim li cas algae-based biofuel? Cov no nqus CO2 thaum lawv loj hlob vim yog cov txheej txheem ntawm photosynthesis, yog li txawm tias tom qab siv los ua roj, qhov ntim ntawm CO2 emissions yuav nyob twj ywm ntawm tib theem.

Rau Mazda, uas ua kev zoo siab rau nws lub xyoo pua xyoo no, qhov biofuel no yog qhov tseem ceeb rau kev ua tiav cov pa roj carbon nruab nrab hauv cov tsheb nrog cov cav sib xyaw nrog sab hauv.

Mazda 3

Dab tsi yog qhov zoo ntawm algae-based biofuel?

Algae-based biofuel, lossis theej micro-algae, muaj, raws li Mazda, ntau qhov txiaj ntsig zoo li cov roj rov ua dua tshiab.

Sau npe yuav mus rau peb tsab ntawv xov xwm

Cov no tuaj yeem cog rau ntawm thaj av tsis tsim nyog rau kev ua liaj ua teb, lawv tuaj yeem loj hlob hauv cov dej tshiab uas muaj kev cuam tshuam tsawg rau lawv, thiab tuaj yeem tsim tau siv cov dej khib nyiab lossis hauv cov ntsev. Ua algae, lawv kuj yog, ntawm chav kawm, biodegradable thiab nyob rau hauv cov kev tshwm sim ntawm ib tug nchuav, lawv kuj tsis muaj teeb meem rau ib puag ncig.

Raws li nrog tag nrho cov kev daws teeb meem peb tau pom nyob rau hauv xyoo tas los no, los ntawm kev txuas ntxiv mus rau cov hluav taws xob hluavtaws, nws tseem ceeb heev los txhim kho cov txheej txheem ntawm cov thev naus laus zis no xws li kev tsim khoom thiab kev txo nqi kom ntseeg tau tias muaj ntau qhov kev daws teeb meem no.

Mazda CX-30

Tias yog vim li cas cov chaw tsim khoom Nyij Pooj tau muab kev txhawb nqa rau kev tshawb fawb ua ke ntawm kev kho cov noob los ntawm University of Hiroshima thiab algae physiology los ntawm Tokyo Institute of Technology kom ua tiav qhov tsim nyog nce qib hauv cov cheeb tsam no.

Mazda lub hom phiaj yog ambition. Raws li nws txoj haujlwm "Sustainable Zoom-Zoom 2030", Mazda xav txiav 50% ntawm nws "Zoo-to-log" CO2 emissions los ntawm 2030, thiab los ntawm 90% los ntawm 2050, piv rau 2010 cov duab.

Txhawm rau ua tiav qhov no peb tau pom cov kev taw qhia txog kev daws teeb meem xws li i-STOP, me me-hybrid M Hybrid 24 V system thiab lub tog raj kheej deactivation. Peb kuj tau pom qhov kev taw qhia ntawm Skyactiv-X, thawj cov roj av cav uas muaj peev xwm ntawm kev sib tsoo hluav taws xob (zoo li Diesel). Tsis ntev los no, Mazda tau tshaj tawm nws thawj 100% hluav taws xob tsheb, MX-30.

Razão Automóvel pab pawg yuav txuas ntxiv online, 24 teev nyob rau ib hnub, thaum lub sijhawm COVID-19 tshwm sim. Ua raws li cov lus pom zoo ntawm General Directorate of Health, zam kev mus ncig tsis tsim nyog. Ua ke peb yuav muaj peev xwm kov yeej lub sijhawm nyuaj no.

Nyeem ntxiv