Kev tawm tsam xaus, tab sis kev txwv ntawm 15 l rau ib lub tsheb tseem nyob rau lub sijhawm Easter


Raws li koj tuaj yeem xav, qhov kawg ntawm cov khoom txaus ntshai tsav tsheb tawm tsam tsis tuaj yeem txhais tau tias qhov kev ua haujlwm ntawm qhov tsis muaj roj tau txheeb xyuas nyob rau ob peb hnub dhau los - 15 l kev txwv yuav tsum nyob twj ywm hauv ob peb hnub tom ntej.

Raws li APETRO (Association of Petroleum Companies), nws yuav siv sij hawm li ntawm peb mus rau tsib hnub rau kev rov ua dua ntawm cov khoom qub qub ntawm cov chaw nres tsheb roj , nrog rau kev siv zog tsom rau cov chaw nres tsheb nyob rau ntawm txoj kev loj axes.

Thaum lub sij hawm no, lub Strategic Network of Gas Stations (REPA) tshaj tawm nag hmo, lub Plaub Hlis 17, yuav tsum tau tswj kom txog rau thaum "ua tiav normalization ntawm cov kev pab cuam", raws li ib tug los ntawm Ministry of Environment and Energy Transition nyob rau hauv nqe lus rau Notícias rau lub feeb.

Hauv lwm lo lus, hauv 310 chaw nres tsheb uas yog ib feem ntawm REPA, qhov kev txwv ntawm 15 l rau ib lub tsheb yog tswj , nrog rau kev tshwj tseg ntawm tsawg kawg ib chav tsev rau kev siv tshwj xeeb ntawm cov khoom tseem ceeb.

Yuav kom paub seb qhov chaw nres tsheb roj twg tau them los ntawm REPA, sab laj cov npe peb tau tshaj tawm nag hmo:

310 qhov tseem ceeb ntawm chaw nres tsheb roj

Nyeem ntxiv