CUPRA Formentor tuaj yeem xaj tam sim no. cov no yog cov nqi


Thawj tus qauv tshwj xeeb ntawm cov tub ntxhais hluas Spanish hom, lub CUPRA Formentor, Tam sim no tuaj yeem xaj hauv Portugal.

Muab tso rau hauv ib ntu (CUV) uas CUPRA kwv yees yuav ncav cuag 500 txhiab units los ntawm 2028, Formentor muaj ntau lub cav, xya nyob rau hauv tag nrho: ob plug-in hybrids, ib tug diesel thiab plaub tsuas yog roj av.

Pib nrog ib leeg Diesel, qhov no muaj 2.0 TDI nrog 150 hp, muaj nrog DSG lub thawv lossis phau ntawv. Lub plug-in hybrid muab faib ntawm Formentor VZ e-Hybrid nrog 245 hp thiab 400 Nm ntawm kev sib xyaw ua ke thiab Formentor e-Hybrid nrog 204 hp thiab 350 Nm.

CUPRA Formentor 2020

Thaum kawg, cov roj av muab pib nrog 150 hp 1.5 TSI nrog DSG gearbox lossis manual gearbox. 2.0 TSI 190 hp DSG 4Drive traction system, Formentor VZ 2.0 TSI 245 hp DSG box and to top the range, the CUPRA Formentor VZ 2.0 TSI with 310 hp, DSG box and 4Drive system.

Nws yog CUV, tsis yog SUV

Ib qho SUV (Kev Siv Hluav Taws Xob Hluav Taws Xob) yog ib txwm yog lub tsheb uas muaj qhov siab dav thiab qhov ntev, thiab nrog kev ua haujlwm zoo tshaj plaws thiab muaj peev xwm rub tau ntau dua li CUV (Crossover Utility Vehicle).

Raws li CUV, CUPRA Formentor luv dua thiab muaj qhov sib txuam ntau dua, tsis tau tswj hwm av kom txaus rau kev taug txuj kev nyuaj.

Thiab tus nqi?

Kev txiav txim tau qhib thiab xa tawm thawj chav nyob yuav tsum muaj nyob rau thaum xaus lub Kaum Ib Hlis.

Sau npe yuav mus rau peb tsab ntawv xov xwm

Thawj CUPRA Formentor ntaus lub lag luam yuav muaj zog tshaj plaws ntawm lawv txhua tus, 310 hp VZ 2.0 TSI DSG 4Drive, nrog tus nqi pib ntawm 47,030 euros. Ntawm lwm yam yog 150 hp 1.5 TSI, uas yuav muaj tus nqi pib ntawm lub 31 900 € ib.

CUPRA Formentor

Raws li qhov seem versions, tus nqi tseem yuav tsum tau lees paub. Txawm li cas los xij, CUPRA nce qib nrog tus nqi kwv yees nyob ib puag ncig 34 txhiab euros Rau Formentor nruab nrog 150 hp 2.0 TDI engine, 245 hp plug-in hybrid version yuav tsum. nyob qis dua 40 txhiab euros . Tus nqi ntawm cov tshuab seem tseem tsis tau paub.

Nyeem ntxiv