BMW 5 Series Touring tam sim no muaj nqi rau Portugal


BMW tau tshaj tawm tus nqi rau 5 Series Touring tshiab rau kev lag luam hauv tsev, cia siab tias yuav tuaj txog ntawm tus qauv rau lub hlis tom ntej.

Tshaj tawm hauv Geneva Motor Show, BMW 5 Series Touring tshiab sawv tawm ntawm lub saloon rau nws ntau yam. Nws yog obviously distinguished los ntawm lub rear ntim. Nws tso cai rau lub nra muaj peev xwm ntawm 570 litres - 1700 nrog lub rooj zaum folding -, thiab qhib thiab kaw ntawm lub qhov rooj tuaj yeem ua tiav (tes dawb).

BMW 5 Series Touring tam sim no muaj nqi rau Portugal 9187_1

Zoo li lub saloon, BMW tus thawj coj van kuj tseem ua raws li CLAR platform tshiab, uas siv cov ntaub ntawv xws li txhuas thiab magnesium. Cov txiaj ntsig tau pom tseeb: qhov hnyav txo ze li 100 kg, cov qauv nruj dua, pab txhawb rau emissions qis dua 11%.

TSEEM CEEB: New BMW 1 Series. Goodbye rear-wheel drive!

BMW 5 Series Touring tam sim no muaj nqi rau Portugal 9187_2

Raws li rau lub cav, Series 5 Touring (G31) pib muaj plaub yam:

  • ib 530i - 2.0 litres - plaub lub tog raj kheej - turbo - 252 hp thiab 350 Nm
  • ib 540i - 3.0 litres - rau lub tog raj kheej - turbo - 340 hp thiab 450 Nm
  • 520d ua - 2.0 litres - plaub lub tog raj kheej - turbo - 190 hp thiab 400 Nm
  • 530d ua - 3.0 litres - rau lub tog raj kheej - turbo - 265 hp thiab 620 Nm

Zoo ib yam li 5 Series saloon, Touring stands out in help and connectivity systems, highlighting voice commands and gestures (suab command and gesture control), BMW Connected Drive and a remote Control Parking function.

PREVIEW: New BMW 1 Series. Goodbye rear-wheel drive!

BMW 5 Series Touring (G31) sab hauv

Pom zoo cov nqi muag khoom rau tus tshiab BMW 5 Series Touring yog raws li hauv qab no:

  • 530i ua - Petrol - 70,740 euros
  • 540i xDrive Auto - Petrol - 89,420 euros
  • 520d ua - Diesel - 58,360 euros
  • 520d ua - Diesel - 60,255 euros
  • 530d ua - Diesel - 79,670 euros
  • 530d xDrive Auto - Diesel - 84,650 euros

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