Peugeot 5008 tuaj txog hauv Portugal


Los ntawm yav dhau los Peugeot 5008 tsis muaj dab tsi tshuav, tsuas yog lub npe. Tus qauv Fabkis tshiab ua tiav cov khoom seem ntawm SUV ntau yam ntawm Fabkis hom, suav nrog 2008 thiab 3008 qauv. nqa xya tus neeg caij tsheb.

2017 Peugeot 5008 TSI

Raws li peb tau hais, nws yuav luag txhua yam nrog 3008. EMP2 platform, lub cav thiab txawm tias cov style.

Qhov sib txawv ntawm qhov sib txawv yog vim qhov loj me, xws li ntev (20 cm ntau txog 4.64 m) thiab wheelbase (ntau dua 17 cm txog 2.84 m), uas tso cai kom haum rau ib kab thib peb ntawm lub rooj zaum.

Zoo li 3008, 5008 kuj tseem siv lub cim thib ob ntawm i-Cockpit, uas suav nrog 12.3-nti high-resolution touchscreen uas cia koj mloog zoo rau feem ntau ntawm cov haujlwm ntawm ib qho screen, txo cov nyees khawm lub cev.

Cov kab thib ob ntawm lub rooj zaum muaj peb tus neeg, lub rooj zaum folding, thaum lub rooj zaum thib peb muaj ob txoj kev ywj pheej (folding) thiab tshem tau lub rooj zaum. Lub peev xwm khau raj yog 780 litres (tsib-seater configuration) - ib ntu cov ntaub ntawv - thiab 1940 litres nrog ob kab ntawm lub rooj zaum folded.

2017 Peugeot 5008 TSI

Peugeot 5008 ntau yam hauv Portugal

Lub Peugeot 5008 hauv Portugal nthuav tawm plaub lub cav, ob kis tau tus mob thiab plaub theem ntawm cov khoom siv.

Nyob rau sab Diesel peb pom 1.6 BlueHDI ntawm 120 horsepower thiab 2.0 BlueHDI ntawm 150 thiab 180 horsepower. Lub cav 1.6 BlueHDI tuaj yeem ua ke nrog CVM6 phau ntawv lossis EAT6 tsis siv neeg kis tau tus mob, ob qho tib si nrog rau kev nrawm. Lub 150 hp 2.0 los tshwj xeeb nrog cov phau ntawv gearbox, thaum lub 180 hp ib tug siv xwb tsis siv neeg.

2017 Peugeot 5008 Sab hauv

Nyob rau sab roj av tsuas muaj ib lub tswv yim: 1.2 PureTech turbo nrog 130 horsepower, uas tuaj yeem cuam tshuam nrog ob txoj kev sib kis. Nws kuj txawv ntawm tus naj npawb ntawm lub tog raj kheej - tsuas yog peb - piv rau Diesel, uas yog plaub lub tog raj kheej.

Allure, Active, GT Kab thiab GT yog cov khoom siv tau npaj siab. Lub 150 horsepower 2.0 BlueHDI tsuas yog muaj nyob rau hauv GT Kab theem, thiab qib GT tshwj xeeb, rau tam sim no, mus rau 180 hp version.

Cov nqi pom zoo rau Peugeot 5008 yog raws li hauv qab no:

Roj av

  • 5008 1.2 PureTech 130 Active – CVM6 – 32,380€
  • 5008 1.2 PureTech 130 Allure - CVM6 - 34,380 euros (nrog Grip Control - 35,083.38 euros)
  • 5008 1.2 PureTech 130 Allure - EAT6 - 35,780 euros (nrog Grip Control - 36,483.38 euros)
  • 5008 1.2 PureTech 130 GT Kab - CVM6 - 36,680 euros (nrog Grip Control - 37,383.38 euros)
  • 5008 1.2 PureTech 130 GT Kab - EAT6 - 38,080 euros (nrog Grip Control - 38,783.38 euros)


  • 5008 1.6 BlueHDI 120 TSI Active – CVM6 – 34,580 €
  • 5008 1.6 BlueHDI 120 TSI - CVM6 - 36,580 euros (nrog Grip Control - 37,488.21 euros)
  • 5008 1.6 BlueHDI 120 TSI - EAT6 - 38,390 euros (nrog Grip Control - 39,211.32 euros)
  • 5008 1.6 BlueHDI 120 GT Kab - CVM6 - 38,880 euros (nrog Grip Control - 39,788.22 euros)
  • 5008 1.6 BlueHDI 120 GT Kab - EAT6 - 40,690 euros (nrog Grip Control - 41,511.32 euros)
  • 5008 2.0 BlueHDI 150 GT Kab - CVM6 - 42,480 euros (nrog Grip Control - 43,752.22 euros)
  • 5008 2.0 TSI 180 GT – EAT6 – 46,220.01€
Lub sij hawm tuaj txog ntawm Peugeot 5008 yuav siv sij hawm qhov chaw nyob rau lub asthiv ntawm lub Tsib Hlis 19-21. Lub community launch yuav raug cim nrog qhov kev tshwj xeeb (muab siv tau kom txog rau thaum Lub Xya Hli 31) raws li Allure versions, muaj qhov tshwj xeeb. cov khoom muaj nqis € 2,200.

Qhov kev muab suav nrog Full LED headlamps, hands-free access and connection and Pack City 2 (kev pab cuam rau longitudinal lossis perpendicular chaw nres tsheb) ntxiv rau Visiopark 2 (pem hauv ntej thiab thim rov qab koob yees duab nrog touchscreen restitution ntawm pem hauv ntej los yog rear saib thiab 360 ° saib ntawm lub ib puag ncig tom qab lub tsheb). Raws li daim ntawv kawg, Peugeot 5008 yog cais raws li chav kawm 1 hauv tus lej xov tooj.

Nyeem ntxiv