Unicorn V3. Lamborghini Huracán iki ora kaya liyane…


Kita kerep krungu tembung sing misuwur "langit iku wates". Nanging, ing jagad transformasi mobil, sejatine watesan paling gedhe biasane ora langit, nanging… dompet. Buktine iki Lamborghini Huracan Kab , sing nduduhake apa sing kedadeyan nalika pemilik enom ora duwe anggaran winates kanggo ngowahi dheweke.

Digawe dening Youtuber Alex Choi, 19 taun, Huracán iki, saiki ditunjuk Unicorn V3, ninggalake sandhangan mobil olahraga super "konvensional" dadi calon mobil resmi Max Rockatansky sing misuwur, saka Mad Max. saga.

Sorotan? Kandhang gulung dipasang ing… eksterior(!) Huracán, kaya-kaya eksoskeleton. Ora mandheg kanthi eksterior sing kandel, 5.2 l V10 sing disedot kanthi 610 hp ditambahake karo rong turbo. Ngrampungake tampilan ekstrem mobil rally ing jagad pasca apokaliptik, kita nemokake sawetara lampu tambahan lan spoiler gedhe.

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if you’re honestly happy about who you really are, f**k what other people think. ?: @adam_bornstein

Uma publicação partilhada por Alex C (@alex.choi) a

Inspirasi? Film Fast and Furious 6

Inspirasi kanggo nggawe Unicorn V3 (sing wis dadi salah sawijining Lamborghini sing paling "dibenci" dening para purists) asale saka film Fast and Furious 6 lan mobil sing katon ing film sing dijuluki "Flip Car". Senajan Alex Choi presents wong minangka Lamborghini rally-siap, bebener iku misale jek luwih bisa kanggo ngadhepi apocalypse zombie.

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Nanging ora kabeh dadi apik karo proses transformasi. V10 atmosfer kayane ora seneng nampa rong turbo lan asile, kaya sing dituduhake Alex Choi ing Instagram, geni ing dalan gedhe menyang festival Coachella sing misuwur sawise bocor lenga cilik.

Senadyan kemunduran iki, miturut video paling anyar saka Youtuber enom, misale jek Unicorn V3 wis pulih lan siap ngadhepi luwih akeh kilometer lan…

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I told @sheepeyrace that I want my car to shoot flames. They said, “hold my beer.” I went back to them in a week, and then I see my car doing this. My own car has now become the most retarded vehicle I have ever operated to this date. I sure hope I stay out of jail for the rest of this year. Your phone mic won’t tell you how loud each pop is. If you ever got the chance to shoot a 50 cal, i’m pretty sure this thing is louder. Hats off to you, @sheepeyrace **cars to me aren’t just about having over 1000bhp, or a sub 2 second 0-60, or to break everyone’s neck at the car show. For me, cars are about how much it can make me and my passenger smile the most. No other car has made me smile more and just flat out be happy than this car, and that alone will fulfill the car of my dreams.

Uma publicação partilhada por Alex C (@alex.choi) a

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