Funso palibe amene adafunsa Eugenio Amos, yemwe adapanga Lancia Delta Futurista


Kongoletsani dzina ili: Eugenio Amos. Ndiye woyambitsa wa Automobili Amos, kampani yomwe idagwira ntchito yovuta yomasuliranso chimodzi mwazithunzi zazikulu kwambiri za 80s/90s, Lancia Delta HF Turbo Integrale.

Kuyambira kuyesa kubweretsa zaka zana. XXI kupanga mtundu wa imodzi mwa magalimoto okongola kwambiri osonkhana nthawi zonse, Lancia Delta Futurista idabadwa. Imodzi mwamagalimoto omwe amagawidwa kwambiri komanso ndemanga patsamba la Razão Automóvel komanso malo ochezera.

Kukhazikitsidwa kwake kukupanga chidwi kwambiri kuposa mitundu ya McLaren, Ferrari kapena Lamborghini. Chifukwa chiyani?

Ndi chiyani chapadera kwambiri pa Lancia Delta Futurista?

Si manambala. Sizingakhale manambala, chifukwa ndi "okha" 330 akavalo. Ndi zochuluka kuposa izo, ziyenera kukhala zambiri kuposa izo ...

Eugenio Amos, mlangizi wa polojekitiyi, amadziwa bwino kuti Lancia Delta Futurista yake ndi yoposa manambala, ndipo adaganiza zoyankha funso lomwe palibe amene adamufunsa. Chifukwa chiyani mukuyambitsa chitsanzo ngati Lancia Delta Futurista?

Yankho labwera kudzera muakaunti yanu ya Instagram. Yankho lomwe likuyenera kulembedwa kwathunthu pano ku Razão Automóvel, chifukwa ndikulengeza kowona kwa chidwi komanso kudzipereka pagalimoto:

This is not a press release. Automobili Amos is a serious company that doesn’t take itself so seriously. Today everyone is asking us for the numbers. How much does it weight? 1250kg. Good. How much horsepower? About 330. Fantastic. How much does it cost? About 300.000€. Expensive. The question I yet have to hear is ‘Why, Eugenio?’. Nobody has asked for an explanation so far. And I really don’t get it! In the end the numbers really mean nothing in this context. Because I’m talking about passion and nostalgia and euphoria and these feelings are not measured in numbers. So, why? Well, this car means a lot to me. It represents my romantic vision in a world that is too aseptic, too fast, that runs like the wind, superficial and intangible. This car means that I had enough of the car world, both as a client before and as a manufacturer now. I long for a bygone, idealized time when men, values and substance were at the core of the product. Therefore this car is pure, analogic, raw and essential. It took a ton of work from some very talented people but we managed to cut away all the fat and leave only what really matters to me. I chose the Delta because it’s the car that made me fall in love with cars in the first place. I was 7 years old. My father had a beautiful Giallo Ginestra. I don’t know why but it made me feel special. Those memories are made of smells, of that soft Alcantara touch, of confused noises. This is what I always look for in a car. This is what I can offer. I can only offer what I like, even if it’s an end in itself, apparently useless. #AutomobiliAmos #LanciaDeltaFuturista #MakeLanciaGreatAgain

Uma publicação partilhada por Eugenio Amos (@automobili_amos) a

Kuwerenga mawu olembedwa ndi Eugenio Amos - wochita bizinesi akadali ndi zaka 30, monga ife - adatikumbutsa zifukwa zina zomwe zidatipangitsa kukhazikitsa Razão Automóvel zaka zisanu ndi chimodzi zapitazo, "Lancia Delta Futurista" yathu. Kukonda.

Tikaphatikiza chilakolako, ukatswiri ndi kupereka, zotsatira zake zimawonekera nthawi zonse.

Monga Automobili Amos, Razão Automóvel nayonso yakula bwino ndipo yatha kuima pamalo odzaza ndi "zimphona" ndi magulu akuluakulu. Zomwe tilibe muyeso, tili ndi chidwi chochuluka komanso kudzipereka.

Poganizira zotsatira zomwe tapeza komanso kukula komwe talembetsa, titha kukuthokozani chifukwa cha thandizo lanu lonse. Ulendo ukupitilira…, ndiye kuti sizinayambike!

Werengani zambiri