Keteka lilemo tse mashome a mane tsa nalane ka BMW 7 Series Edition 40 Jahre


Bokaholimo ba mefuta ea Jeremane bo lokela ho babatsoa. E ne e le ka 1977, hantle feela lilemo tse 40 tse fetileng, moo BMW 7 Series (E23) ea pele e ileng ea hlaha setsing sa Dingolfing, Jeremane. E hlahisitsoe e le mohlahlami oa BMW New Six (E3), 7 Series e ne e le - 'me e ntse e tsoela pele ho ba pula-maliboho ea theknoloji ea brand Munich, ea ikarabellang bakeng sa ho hlahisa eseng feela mahlale a ileng a fihla hamorao mefuteng e meng ea mefuta-futa, empa hape e kenyelletsa liphetoho tsa morao-rao tsa puo ea meralo ea BMW.

Meloko e ts'eletseng le lilemo tse mashome a mane hamorao, BMW ha ea ka ea khona ho fetisa letsatsi lena la sehopotso - 'me bareki ba leboha. Letšoao la Jeremane le tla hlahisa khatiso e khethehileng ea Series 7, e bitsoang Edition 40 Jahre (jahre e bolela "lilemo" ka Sejeremane). Liphapang ke life?

Bakeng sa mosebetsi oa 'mele, bareki ba ka khetha pakeng tsa meriti e' meli: Frozen Silver e nang le matte kapa Petrol Mica Metallic blue. Ho sa tsotellehe hore na u khetha eng, saloon ea Jeremane e tla e na le sephutheloana sa M Aerodynamics le mabili a 20-inch V-radius. Re sa bue ka mengolo ea sehopotso holim'a tšiea ea B le holim'a lithako.

BMW 7 Series Edition 40 Jahre with BMW 7 Series E23

Hare, BMW 7 Series Edition 40 Jahre e eketsa (esita le) setaele sa mabothobotho ho feta. Mofuta ona o na le litulo tsa letlalo la Merino tse nang le moralo o ikhethileng - mona o ka khetha pakeng tsa meriti e 'meli e fapaneng. Ho phaella moo, tlhokomelo ea lintlha e bonahala ka har'a li-headrest, li-rugs le lithapo tsa lehong ho dashboard, har'a lintho tse ling.

BMW 7 Series Edition 40 Jahre

BMW 7 Series Edition 40 Jahre e tla be e le Frankfurt Motor Show ka Loetse, pele e qala ka molao khoeling e latelang, e lekanyelitsoe ho li-unit tse 200. Mefuta eohle e tla hlahisoa ka Dingolfing 'me e fumaneha ka mefuta e tloaelehileng kapa e telele hammoho le lienjine tse tloaelehileng tsa BMW tse tšeletseng, tse robeli le tse 12. Ha e le theko, re tla tlameha ho emela tlhahiso ea Frankfurt.

BMW 7 Series Edition 40 Jahre

Bala Haholoanyane