Unicorn V3. Lamborghini Huracán ena ha e tšoane le tse ling ...


Hangata re utloa poleloana e tsebahalang "leholimo ke moeli". Leha ho le joalo, lefats'eng la liphetoho tsa likoloi, 'nete ke hore moeli o moholo ka ho fetisisa hangata ha se leholimo, empa ... sepache. Bopaki ba seo ke bona Lamborghini Huracán , e bontšang se etsahalang ha mong’a mocha a se na chelete e lekanyelitsoeng ea ho mo fetola.

E entsoe ke Youtuber Alex Choi ea lilemo li 19, Huracán enoa, eo hona joale a bitsoang Unicorn V3, o siile liaparo tsa koloi ea "tloaelehileng" ea lipapali tsa maemo a holimo hore e be mokhethoa e moholo oa koloi ea molao ea Max Rockatansky ea tummeng, oa Mad Max. saga.

Ntho e hlahelletseng? The roll cage mounted on the… exterior(!) of the Huracán, as if it was an exoskeleton. Ha ea ka ea emisa ka bokantle bo sebete, 5.2 l V10 ea tlhaho e nang le 610 hp e ile ea eketsoa ka li-turbos tse peli. Ho tlatsa ponahalo e feteletseng ea koloi ea rally lefatšeng la post-apocalyptic, re fumana mabone a 'maloa a thusang le spoiler e kholo.

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if you’re honestly happy about who you really are, f**k what other people think. ?: @adam_bornstein

Uma publicação partilhada por Alex C (@alex.choi) a

Tšusumetso? Filimi ea Fast and Furious 6

Tšusumetso ea ho thehoa ha Unicorn V3 (eo e seng e ntse e le e 'ngoe ea Lamborghini e "hloiloeng" ka ho fetisisa ke purists) e tsoa filiming ea Fast and Furious 6 le koloi e hlahang filiming e bitsoang "Flip Car". Le hoja Alex Choi a mo hlahisa e le Lamborghini e itokiselitseng likopano, 'nete ke hore o bonahala a khona ho tobana le apocalypse ea zombie.

Ngolisa ho koranta ea rona

Empa ha se ntho e 'ngoe le e' ngoe e ileng ea tsamaea hantle ka mokhoa oa phetoho. V10 ea sepakapaka ha e bonahale eka e ne e rata ho amohela li-turbos tse peli 'me phello e bile, joalokaha Alex Choi a arolelane ka Instagram ea hae, mollo o tseleng e khōlō e eang moketeng o tummeng oa Coachella ka mor'a ho tsuba ha oli e nyenyane.

Ho sa tsotellehe tšitiso ena, ho ea ka livideo tsa morao-rao tsa Youtuber e monyenyane, ho bonahala eka Unicorn V3 e se e hlaphohetsoe 'me e itokiselitse ho tobana le lik'hilomithara tse ngata le ... batho ba hloileng morero o entsoeng ke Alex Choi.

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I told @sheepeyrace that I want my car to shoot flames. They said, “hold my beer.” I went back to them in a week, and then I see my car doing this. My own car has now become the most retarded vehicle I have ever operated to this date. I sure hope I stay out of jail for the rest of this year. Your phone mic won’t tell you how loud each pop is. If you ever got the chance to shoot a 50 cal, i’m pretty sure this thing is louder. Hats off to you, @sheepeyrace **cars to me aren’t just about having over 1000bhp, or a sub 2 second 0-60, or to break everyone’s neck at the car show. For me, cars are about how much it can make me and my passenger smile the most. No other car has made me smile more and just flat out be happy than this car, and that alone will fulfill the car of my dreams.

Uma publicação partilhada por Alex C (@alex.choi) a

Bala Haholoanyane