Pirsa ku kesî ji Eugenio Amos, afirînerê Lancia Delta Futurista nepirsî


Vê navî xemilînin: Eugenio Amos. Ew damezrînerê Automobili Amos e, pargîdaniya ku peywira dijwar a ji nû ve şîrovekirina yek ji mezintirîn îkonên salên 80-an/90-an, Lancia Delta HF Turbo Integrale, girt ser xwe.

Ji vê hewldana sedsalê. XXI guhertoya hilberîna yek ji xweşiktirîn gerîdeyên rally yên hemî deman, Lancia Delta Futurista ji dayik bû. Li ser malper û torên civakî yên Razão Automóvel yek ji otomobîlên herî hevpar û şîrovekirî ye.

Destpêka wê bandorek bêhempa ji modelên McLaren, Ferrari an Lamborghini çêdike. Çima?

Di derbarê Lancia Delta Futurista de ew qas taybetî çi ye?

Ew ne hejmar in. Ew nikare jimar be, ji ber ku ew "tenê" 330 hesp e. Ji wê zêdetir e, divê ji wê zêdetir be...

Eugenio Amos, şêwirmendê projeyê, pir baş dizane ku Lancia Delta Futurista wî ji hejmaran wêdetir e, û wî biryar da ku bersiva pirsa ku kesî jê nepirsî bike. Çima modelek mîna Lancia Delta Futurista dest pê dike?

Bersiv bi hesabê weya Instagram ve hat. Bersivek ku heq dike ku li vir li Razão Automóvel bi tevahî were veguheztin, ji ber ku ew daxuyanek rastîn a dildarî û pabendbûna gerîdeyê ye:

This is not a press release. Automobili Amos is a serious company that doesn’t take itself so seriously. Today everyone is asking us for the numbers. How much does it weight? 1250kg. Good. How much horsepower? About 330. Fantastic. How much does it cost? About 300.000€. Expensive. The question I yet have to hear is ‘Why, Eugenio?’. Nobody has asked for an explanation so far. And I really don’t get it! In the end the numbers really mean nothing in this context. Because I’m talking about passion and nostalgia and euphoria and these feelings are not measured in numbers. So, why? Well, this car means a lot to me. It represents my romantic vision in a world that is too aseptic, too fast, that runs like the wind, superficial and intangible. This car means that I had enough of the car world, both as a client before and as a manufacturer now. I long for a bygone, idealized time when men, values and substance were at the core of the product. Therefore this car is pure, analogic, raw and essential. It took a ton of work from some very talented people but we managed to cut away all the fat and leave only what really matters to me. I chose the Delta because it’s the car that made me fall in love with cars in the first place. I was 7 years old. My father had a beautiful Giallo Ginestra. I don’t know why but it made me feel special. Those memories are made of smells, of that soft Alcantara touch, of confused noises. This is what I always look for in a car. This is what I can offer. I can only offer what I like, even if it’s an end in itself, apparently useless. #AutomobiliAmos #LanciaDeltaFuturista #MakeLanciaGreatAgain

Uma publicação partilhada por Eugenio Amos (@automobili_amos) a

Xwendina peyvên ku ji hêla Eugenio Amos ve hatine nivîsandin - karsazek ku hîn di 30-salî de ye, mîna me - hin sedemên ku me rê li me da ku şeş sal berê Razão Automóvel, "Lancia Delta Futurista" ya me bidin destpêkirin, anîn bîra me. Hezî.

Dema ku em dilxwazî, profesyonelî û radestkirinê bi hev re dikin, encam her gav xuya dikin.

Mîna Automobili Amos, Razão Automóvel jî pêşketiye û kariye ku di hawîrdorek tijî "diya" û komên mezin de raweste. Tişta ku ji hêla me ve kêm dibe, îrade û pabendbûna me pir heye.

Ji ber encamên ku me bi dest xistine û mezinbûna ku me tomar kiriye, em tenê dikarin ji bo hemî piştgirîya we spas bikin. Rêwî berdewam dike… bi awayê, hema hema dest pê kiriye!

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