Operation Hermes: The third phase starts today


The National Republican Guard will intensify, between the 31st of July and the 2nd of August, its patrolling and support actions for road users. Find out here what are the main behaviors that will be on the GNR's radar.

If you're traveling this weekend, be aware that the Guarda Nacional Republicana will direct its efforts to the most critical itineraries. The objective is, according to a statement, "to ensure safe travel for citizens who move to/from vacation spots and/or events of different nature typical of this time of year."

During the three days of this 3rd phase of the Hermes operation, 3000 soldiers from the National Transit Unit and Territorial Commands will be on the ground, who, in addition to preventive and supportive actions, will be particularly attentive to the risky behavior of drivers who jeopardize road safety.

These will be the most watched behaviors:

– Driving under the influence of alcohol and psychotropic substances;

– Speeding;

– Improper use of mobile phone while driving;

– Dangerous overtaking maneuvers, changing direction, reversing the direction of travel, giving way and safety distance; – Driving without legal and incorrect license or not using seat belts and/or child restraint systems (SRC).

Seat belts are priority

According to the GNR, “since the beginning of the year and until the 26th of July, 19,734 infractions were registered (7,724 more than in the same period in 2014). The GNR evaluates these data with concern, since the non-use/incorrect use of seat belts and CRS is one of the main causes of victims on the roads, due to the aggravation of injuries caused in the event of a road accident.”

The Hermes operation runs from the 3rd of July to the 30th of August. During this period, patrolling and support to road users are intensified in various phases, this will be the 3rd phase of the operation.

TV 24 | The GNR starts tomorrow the third phase of the operation "Hermes – Traveling safely", comments by Lt. Col. Lourenço da Silva.

Posted by Republican National Guard on Thursday, July 30, 2015

Source and image: Republican National Guard

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