Tesla's truck promises to "blow your mind out of your skull"


Despite all the problems that remain regarding the launch and production of the Tesla Model 3, the builder continues to attack simultaneously on several fronts. And from its more compact and affordable model, we've gone to the other extreme. Tesla's truck is arriving.

It is next Thursday, November 16, that we will meet the greatest Tesla. The already announced truck was due to be presented on October 26, but the presentation date was three weeks ahead of the calendar — something that has been customary for the North American brand.

But now it seems that it is definitive, if we look at the tweet of Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla:

And as has been Musk's habit, there's nothing like a little exaggeration and color in his statements: “This will blow your mind out of your skull and launch it into an alternate dimension” — possible translation. In good Portuguese, it's going to be crazy.

About Tesla's truck

According to previous reports, from Reuters, Tesla's truck will be a "day cab", that is, the cab will not have accommodation for the driver to stay overnight, and will be able to travel, loaded, between 320 and 480 km before needing the batteries be recharged.

Elon Musk, however, has already gone public to mention that the specifications will be better than those that have been reported, so we will have to wait until the presentation to get to know them definitively.

Based on Musk's statements, he claims that his truck will have the highest torque rating in its class and can be “driven like a sports car” — yes, you are reading that correctly. Musk has already driven one of the prototypes and was surprised by the agility shown, justifying his claim.

Let's hope for the big reveal, next Thursday.

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