Diesel Brothers fined over 750,000 euros for violating anti-pollution laws


The DieselSellerz preparer known for the television show Diesel Brothers aired on Discovery Channel, was sentenced in the US to pay $848,000 (approximately 750,000 euros) after losing a civil suit filed in 2016 by the Utah Physicians for a Healthy Environment group.

The group alleged that the Diesel Brothers violated the (federal) Clean Air Act, as in the exercise of their vehicle transformation activity, especially large American pick-up trucks equipped with Diesel engines, the treatment systems were used. exhaust gases are either removed, or devices are installed that make them useless.

The purpose of many of these transformations was that, in the end, the vehicles produced (a lot of) black smoke — a “fashion” that the Americans identified as “rolling coal” or “rolling coal” — precisely “one of the most toxic types of pollution that there is”, according to the group of doctors.

Diesel Brothers

During this process it was shown that, after independent analysis, one of these transformed vehicles produced 21 times more particulates and 36 times more greenhouse gases than the same vehicle with the engine unchanged.

It is not the first time

In June 2018 the Diesel Brothers had been banned by a judge from further illegal engine modifications after hearing testimony from an emissions inspector that one of the vehicles they transformed had been illegally modified.

At the time the Diesel Brothers declared that the modified vehicles were for off-road driving only, believing that they were not illegal at all, and that they were even working with the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) to ensure compliance with the regulations.

In the resolution of this second and most recent case, the judge stated that, in addition to having been proven guilty of violating the Clean Air Act, they also challenged the previous ban on modifying more engines.

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In addition to the nearly 750,000 euros they have to pay, a further 80,000 euros have to be paid to the Davis County Tampered Diesel Truck Restoration Program, in addition to which the plaintiffs can submit their legal expenses, which allegedly amount to 1, to the defendants. 2 million dollars, equivalent to 1.065 million euros.

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