Government to raise Tax on Petroleum Products


The Government will proceed with the increase in the tax on petroleum products, tobacco and stamp duty.

The increase in the Tax on Petroleum and Energy Products (gasoline, diesel, LPG, butane gas, propane, among others), tobacco and stamp duty, together with the effects of combating fraud, has increased revenue for the State estimated at 0 .21% of GDP.

The only measures on the tax revenue side whose objective is to help offset the costs of the measures that were reversed by the current Executive were sent to Brussels. Regarding the measures that reduce revenues, there is the cut in the IRS surcharge (down 0.23% for the State coffers), the reduction of VAT on restoration from 23% to 13% as of July (0.09 % of GDP) and the reduction of the Single Social Tax (TSU) by up to 1.5 percentage points for workers with a gross monthly salary of up to 600 euros (representing 0.07% of GDP).

All in all, on the revenue side, the balance of the State accounts is negative. The compensation for the increase in taxes and the reinforcement of the fight against tax evasion, even so, leave a loss of revenue estimated at 0.18% of GDP.

You can consult the draft State Budget here.

Source: Observer

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