SEAT sponsors World Press Photo in Lisbon


On display in the Portuguese capital between April 27th and May 20th, the World Press Photo 2018 presents the winning images of the 61st edition of this annual competition, selected from tens of thousands of photographs.

Present at the site, SEAT will challenge visitors to interact photographically with Arona, following the motto “Do Your Thing”. With their participation, visitors will be able to “win a prize for their irreverence and originality”, says the Spanish car manufacturer in a statement.

SEAT is a dynamic, active and contemporary brand, characteristics that are in line with the principles of journalistic photography. Our association with this important event thus appears naturally, taking into account the attributes of our products and the aspirations of the public

Teresa Lameiras, Marketing & Communication Director at SEAT Portugal
SEAT Arona

Considered the largest international press photography competition, the World Press Photo 2018 will be open to visitors from April 27th to May 20th, from Thursday to Sunday, between 10 am and 7 pm. Admission is free.

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