Chinese cars? No thank you very much.


As we all know products of Chinese origin are crap, let's be honest, shoes that after 50 meters simply demolecule, corkscrew that removes only 1 cork, not to mention highly flammable clothes and now, Chinese cars .

This was the scenario for a long time and it will continue to be so for some time to come. I don't know what went through their minds, but if they hope to conquer the world with low prices, then very wrong, at least they won't catch me, even if they're giving them away.

And the reason is simple: no one wants a car that melts in the heat or simply shrinks in the wash. Can you imagine that characteristic smell of Chinese stores? This goes from bad to worse! I'm terrified of the idea of ​​Chinese vehicles, because if Russian communists make all steel cars, then Chinese communists are going to try to conquer the world with “tupperware”, basically.

A mix of Austin Maestro and Austin Montego.
The CA6410UA is a mix of the front of an Austin Montego and the rear of an Austin Maestro.

But that's not even the real problem. The big problem is the evolution that the Chinese have had in terms of technique: they stopped building “things” with wheels, to now build vehicles with a design similar to the European one. Perhaps too similar, quality is another story.

Masters in the art of “copying”, the Chinese got their hands on catalogs and the internet and the result was obvious – I am referring to the Shuanghuan SCEO HBJ6474Y which in good Portuguese translates to “Chinese BMW X5”, or the copy of the Porsche Cayenne, the Hawaii B35.

There is even a failed attempt to copy the Rolls Royce Phantom, the Geely De which has a derisory price of €32,000. But they don't stop there. There is the GWPeri or «Fiat Panda», the BYD F8 best known for the kind of fusion between a Mercedes-Benz CLK and a Renault Mégane.

The truth is, I could just sit here rocking you until you suddenly fall asleep from boredom because the list is just too huge, and the interest is absurdly low.

Shuanghuan SCEO HBJ6474Y : The failed attempt to copy the BMW X5.
Shuanghuan SCEO HBJ6474Y : The failed attempt to copy the BMW X5.

However, some brands have already gone to court to claim the design of several Chinese cars, but it was all in vain as the Chinese courts say that these spectacular copies are not even similar to the vehicle in question. So it looks like it's just us who think that.

Now there is a big or rather a gigantic dilemma. Do we say that the hideous Chinese copies are like the shiny European cars, and do we feed their ego, or do we simply ignore them and let them have their “tupperware” melting in the sun?! Also think, Chinese cars that melt!

Because when I go to buy a car, whatever the brand, I know what I'm buying. Quality pays for itself and exclusivity too, even in generalist brands. Because anyone who has money to buy a vehicle will not go to China to save some change, no matter how big it is.

A demonstration of how the Chinese are coming. (Photo found on Chinese website)
A demonstration of how the Chinese are coming. (Photo found on Chinese website)

These Chinese cars are going to be so cheap that they can be almost disposable, we go shopping, and we bring a 'Jympow' (I don't know if there is any 'Tupperware' with that name, but that's it) and if you're very careful it may last for a while. week.

In 1980 there were only 1 million cars in Chinese territory, in 2008 there were 51 million and today there are more than 87 million. More than 38,000 cars are sold every day, that's one car every 2.3 seconds. And the numbers continue: as a whole, Europe sold around 16 million and 500 thousand vehicles in 2011, China alone sold 17 million and 700 thousand vehicles, around 1.3 million more than us.

The sad attempt to copy the Porsche Cayenne.
The sad attempt to copy the Porsche Cayenne.

These numbers clearly show that the Chinese are leaving bicycles and consequently moving to cars, which pollute. Bike factories will close and the air will be made up of carbon dioxide. And unless the Chinese start doing photosynthesis, they're screwed.

The Chinese never knew how to design cars or whatever, they were so confused and shameful that they preferred to ride on a cow. But as I have already mentioned, the evolution in the last 5 years has been such that the result is simply abysmal. The design of Chinese cars has changed radically, of course, it's like school: if making cheat sheets helps memorize the material, then copying helps improve, so our Chinese friends who copy so much start to get it right.

And that's how Trumpchi and Roewe were born, who for those who don't know are basically European. Or better, only one is basically European, the other is totally Chinese, but I'll explain.


The Trumpchi, on the left, is based on the spectacular Alfa Romeo 166. They used its magnificent chassis to give birth to a Chinese “car”. But only the chassis is European, because quality remains elusive. It is equipped with 1.8 and 2.0 liter petrol engines.

Roewe, on the right with all its Chinese charm, is available in its majesty lands as MG, a brand known for its sporty streak. Or at least it was. There are currently two models already on sale: the MG3 (a city car) and the MG6 (a mid-segment sedan), they will be joined by another sedan, the MG5 (right). The models should arrive in other European countries soon.

Another good example of prosperity in China is Qoros, a brand with great German influences but with Asian origins. A brand that already had the privilege of being present at the International Salon in Geneva last year, where it showed itself competent and with qualities to rival the big brands in the medium segment.

Its models are 3 so far – the Qoros 3 Sedan, the Qoros 3 Estate van and an SUV. These vehicles contradict the idea that anything cheap is worthless. And from what I see it will measure up.

All vehicles of Chinese origin will have to make adjustments, in order to respect the CO2 emission limits and other European norms, soon the engines will be changed.

The new MG6. Not bad at all. Unfortunately.
The new MG6. Not bad at all. Unfortunately.

The design is refined but the quality is lacking, and if there's one thing our Chinese friends are going to bet on now, it's her. So if the Chinese have reached this point in 5 years, it is certain that in the near future, and I am referring to a period of 10 years at most, the European market will be mined with Chinese cars.

They do not believe? If 6 years ago I told you that a Romanian brand would invade Europe with cars, would you believe? Look at Dacia, I can't go anywhere without tripping over one. Chinese cars will be next!

This is the truth and we cannot ignore it. Above all I know one thing, passionate about cars that I am, I will never buy any. Unless it's really, really cheap and just so you can throw it off a cliff, at least for now.

And what do you think about Chinese cars? Did you buy one? Comment here and on our official Facebook page this article.

Text: Marco Nunes

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