Back to the Future II: We've Reached 2015. And now Toyota?


30 years ago, “Back to the Future II” promised to take us until October 21, 2015. With the day to come, Toyota decides to bring together the protagonists in a thematic video that will accompany the launch of its latest model ecological: the Toyota Mirai.

It is true that the film “Back to the Future II” (1989) did not get all the inventions that would exist in 2015 right, but it did get some right in some – for example, LED televisions and 3D cinema, among others.

Toyota, for its part, has not launched a flying prototype but will launch the innovation of the decade: the Toyota Mirai, the first series-production hydrogen car. A car that turns hydrogen into electricity to power the 114 kW/155hp electric motor. Maybe that's why the launch of the Japanese model will coincide with the arrival of Michael J. Fox to the “future”.

In a statement, Michael J. Fox even says that “over the years we had a lot of fun predicting which of the technologies invented in the film would actually make it to 2015. Now that we're less than a week away, I think fans will see a real mobility possibility for the future in the new Toyota Mirai”. And even Lexus has released a flying skateboard (or almost…).

Regarding the video below, in which Toyota joins Michael J. Fox and Christopher Lloyd, the brand continues to keep the details secret, only on October 21 will the brand launch the full version. That said, we're just missing delicious instant pizzas and the ability to travel back in time. Maybe in the next century…

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