Portugal. Automotive sector "very concerned about the serious crisis, (…) requires a specific support plan"


Portuguese associations in the automobile sector are concerned about the effects of the economic crisis that could result from the new Coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19).

Thus, ACAP (Portuguese Automobile Association), AFIA (Association of Manufacturers for the Automobile Industry), ANECRA (National Association of Automobile Commerce and Repair Companies) and ARAN (National Association of Automobile Industry), issued a joint communiqué that addresses their concerns and proposes specific support measures for companies in the automotive sector.

The automotive sector is extremely important for Portugal, as it represents 19% of the Portuguese GDP and guarantees employment for around 200 thousand people. Furthermore, 21% of the State's total tax revenue comes from this sector.

PSA Factory in Mangualde

This is a sector, say the signatories of the communiqué, which is made up of all types of companies, from the largest exporters to SMEs, even including micro-enterprises and ENI.

Thus, ACAP, AFIA, ANECRA and ARAN alert to the need to create a specific support plan for the automotive sector, a plan that will allow companies to mitigate the effects of the crisis and, at the same time, maintain competitiveness as soon as it takes place. the gradual recovery of the economy.

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From this plan, the proposals of the four Associations stand out:

  • Creation of a specific credit line for companies in the automobile sector;
  • Alteration of the lay-off regime, in order to allow immediate access to this regime for companies that have had a turnover loss of more than 40% in the last month;
  • Alteration of the vacation regime in order to allow, from now on, its booking;
  • Implementation of an incentive plan for the scrapping of end-of-life vehicles, with the objective of renewing the car fleet and helping companies to gradually exit the crisis;
  • In view of the state of emergency that will be decreed, ensure that the activity of providing services through emergency aid vehicles and the car assistance and repair sector are considered essential sectors, given their importance in maintaining the safety of citizens.

“At this particularly difficult moment, we will also contribute to the rapid overcoming of this pandemic, waiting for the Government to pay greater attention to the proposals we have presented”, conclude the Associations.

Consult Fleet Magazine for more articles on the automotive market.

Razão Automóvel's team will continue online, 24 hours a day, during the COVID-19 outbreak. Follow the recommendations of the General Directorate of Health, avoid unnecessary travel. Together we will be able to overcome this difficult phase.

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