Hyundai Announces New Smart Stream Engines with CVVD Technology


The Hyundai Group has just announced its global engine strategy for the coming years. An integrated strategy that concerns not only Hyundai but also Kia — the second brand of the Korean giant.

Among other announcements, the big news were the presentation of details of the new Smart Stream engine family (which will have a total of 16 versions, including petrol and diesel), the launch of a new eight-speed automatic transmission and the reinforcement of investment in FCV (fuel-cell vehicles), EV (electric vehicles) and hybrids. All this until 2022.

(very!) ambitious goals

The new family of Smart Stream engines from the Hyundai Group aims to combine two qualities that are sometimes dissonant: compliance with increasingly restrictive emission limits, and better performance. It was based on these premises that the Hyundai Group named its new engines with the words smart, in reference to “smart” solutions and technologies, and Stream in reference to movement and performance.

The main objective of the Hyundai Group is to achieve thermal efficiency in excess of 50%. A very ambitious figure considering that the Toyota Prius can only reach 42% and Mercedes, to overcome 50%, needed to use Formula 1 technology in its Project One.

How is Hyundai going to get there?

One of the factors responsible for the increase in thermal efficiency announced by the brand will be the CVVD (Continuously Variable Valve Duration) system. You can watch how it works in this video:

Thanks to this system, it is possible to vary the time and amplitude of opening the valves according to the needs of immediate performance. This technology combined with the new eight-speed dual-clutch gearbox will ensure that the engine will always work closely in the best and most efficient rpm range.

Bet on alternative engines

While promoting a new generation of combustion engines, the Hyundai Group prepares the future of mobility through investment in FCV, EV and hybrids. Until 2020 we will see an increase in the launch of models with this type of engine – the one with the closest launch is the Hyundai Kauai EV. In total there could be more than 30 new models in the next three years.

In terms of FCV technology, Hyundai wants to remain one of the world leaders in this technology — it was the first brand to launch a hydrogen-powered SUV. The goal is to achieve 800 km of autonomy and a power of 163 hp in models with this technology that only emits water through the exhaust.

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