Toyota increases investment in autonomous driving


The third unit of the Japanese brand in the US will support the development of autonomous driving technologies.

Toyota recently announced the implementation of the third TRI – Toyota Research Institute – in Ann Arbor, Michigan, called TRI-ANN. The new facilities will host a team of 50 researchers, who from June will start working on the development of 100% autonomous driving technologies.

TRI-ANN thus joins TRI-PAL in Palo Alto and TRI-CAM in Cambridge. The new research unit will also benefit from the University of Michigan facilities, for future practical tests under the most varied conditions. For Toyota, the ultimate goal is to create a vehicle incapable of causing accidents, and as such, the brand has invested around 876 million euros.

SEE ALSO: Toyota TS050 Hybrid: Japan Strikes Back

“Although the industry, including Toyota, has made great strides over the past five years, much of what we've achieved has been easy because most of the driving is easy. We need autonomy is when driving becomes difficult. It is this tough task that TRI intends to tackle.”

Gill Pratt, CEO of TRI.

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