Europe. Eight million cars will have autonomous driving technologies from Mobileye


Today, working with manufacturers such as General Motors, Nissan, Audi, BMW, Honda, Fiat Chrysler Automobiles and the Chinese Nio, Mobileye is thus preparing a new, deeper partnership, after having already been at the origin of the creation of the Tesla's autonomous driving technology, which it has in the meantime abandoned.

Currently responsible for supplying level 3 autonomous driving technology to the manufacturers it is working with, the company has also been developing a new chip, called EyeQ4, to be introduced in the market soon. In the case of the eight million vehicles to be equipped in the future, these should appear, in 2021, with the next generation of this chip: the EyeQ5, which should already be prepared to offer level 5 autonomous driving, that is, without the need for any human being at the wheel.

Level 4 on the way

Meanwhile, Mobileye is already in the testing phase with Level 4 autonomous driving systems, which incorporate a total of 12 cameras and four EyeQ4 chips.

autonomous driving

“By the end of 2019, we expect to have more than 100,000 cars equipped with Mobileye Level 3 autonomous driving systems,” said Amnon Shashua, CEO of the Israeli company in statements to Reuters. Adding that Mobileye has been designing autonomous systems for driverless taxi fleets, while at the same time developing test vehicles capable of mimicking human behavior.

On the one hand, people want to feel secure, but on the other hand, they also want assertiveness. In the future, the systems will be able to observe other drivers on the road and, after a while, adapt to the road conditions... that is, it's not very different from human experience.

Amnon Shashua, CEO of Mobileye

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