Audi Q8. Mini-series teaser the new SUV


Produced and produced by the four rings brand's own television channel — a new producer with the suggestive name Four Rings Studios appears in the initial generic —, which later broadcast it through its YouTube channel, the truth is that, at least this first episode, it pays off by a near flop. From the future flagship SUV of Ingolstadt — after all, what everyone wants to see! — little or nothing is known.

Entitled “Unleash the tough”, Episode 1 of this mini-series presents, as a synopsis, just what “was supposed to be a romantic night, but everything turned out in a totally different way” — too vague a description, especially in the case of a movie that was supposed to make known the new Audi Q8. As, by the way, the video itself…

So, just wait for the next episode, scheduled for May 24, and titled “Unleash the brave”, to know the next stage of the plot. Which has, from now on, assured continuation, for the 28th of May (Unleash the gentleman), 1st of June (Unleash the hero) and 5th of June (Unleash your character).

Audi Q8 Sport Concept 2017
The Audi Q8 Sport Concept, introduced just over a year ago, is expected to form the basis of the four-ring brand's future flagship SUV

June 5th is, moreover, the date already scheduled for the official unveiling of the production version of the Audi Q8, during the Audi China Brand Summit Shenzhen, which will be based on the Q8 Sport Concept unveiled in March 2017.

It remains to be seen whether confirming the promises already made by the manufacturer, this could become “the most exciting SUV of all times”…

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