Volvo and Polestar partners in the development of high-performance trams


Volvo wants to follow the example of the German brands when it comes to the development of sports models.

Volvo will leverage all of Polestar's experience and know-how to develop its future range of high-performance electric vehicles. This is said by the Dutch Lex Kerssemakers, CEO of Volvo Cars North America, in statements to Motoring, reinforcing the idea that this will be one of the priorities for the Swedish brand going forward.

"THE We are still at the stage of understanding how we can use Polestar as a marketing tool and what the cycle plan will be when launching new models. We know that they will be high performance cars but that they should reflect what we stand for in terms of engines. As such, electrification will play an extremely important role in the future of Polestar cars“.

Kerssemakers also revealed that the strategy is to make Polestar synonymous with performance for Volvo models, as the AMG is for Mercedes-Benz or the M Division is for BMW. This without compromising the brand identity:

“At the end of the day, we are Volvo and we go our own way. Mimicking others doesn't make any sense. We don't want to make the ultimate racing car, but a high-performance car that is useful for everyday use, and that's what Polestar reflects.”


Source: Motoring

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