Companies with more restrictions on electric purchases in 2019


Compared to 2018, professionals who intend to purchase electric vehicles will be able to count on some restrictions.

Thus, among the changes revealed by José Mendes, Deputy Secretary of State and Mobility, to Jornal Económico, the one that may most directly affect some companies is the limitation on the number of units that can benefit from a “discount” on the purchase.

Keeping the incentive of 2250 euros in the acquisition (which rises to 3000 euros in the case of individuals), in 2019, the limitation of the number of electric vehicles that companies can acquire with this stimulus to purchase is announced (there were five in 2018).

The maximum value for the purchase of electric cars from 62 500 thousand euros it was applied to professional purchases, now extending to private individuals.

Another novelty is the attribution of a subsidy of 250 euros to the first thousand buyers of electric bicycles.

The 20% incentive for the purchase of a motorcycle is maintained, up to 400 euros and limited to 250 units.

Consult Fleet Magazine for more articles on the automotive market.

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