Fiat-Chrysler Group brands join the dark side of strength...


The FCA Group brands produced, together with Lucasfilm, a series of advertisements alluding to the launch of the new movie in the Star Wars saga.

Created by the Doner Agency in partnership with Lucasfilm, Fiat Crysler Automobiles (FCA) has launched a series of seven television ads that will make petrolhead fanatics about the Star Wars saga mouth water. The ads feature the participation of all brands in the group, namely: Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, Ram and Fiat.

NOT TO BE MISSED: Star Wars: The Engines Awakening

Star Wars: The Force Awakens is the most anticipated film of the 21st century and opens on the 18th of this month. It's a case of saying: Come to the dark side. We have cars…

Chrysler: "The First Time"

Dodge: "The Force Gathers"

Jeep: "Shooting Star"

Ram: "Family"

Fiat: "Awakening"

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