Chris Harris and the "essence of driving"


Chris Harris, one of the most notable journalists in the automotive press, has arranged to meet two unique automobiles. Objective? Discover the essence of driving.

I often wonder where this passion for cars comes from, which makes my heart race (it's almost 11 pm and I'm still here writing about this four-wheeled object…). Why the hell do I feel so good about defying the laws of physics? Why do I like cars so much anyway? When rationally, all the alarms in my organism should refer me to the most primal of instincts: to survive. But no, this passion drives me decisively towards that curve and the other curve. And the one that comes after, faster and faster, more and more shrewd and daring, when all I should have been doing was just moving from point A to point B wrapped in airbags in the safest and most boring car in the world . If possible an undifferentiated household appliance species.

morgan 3 wheels
Morgan Three Wheeler, an inexhaustible source of adrenaline.

But not. The more you hit me the more I like you. The more manly and capricious the car is, the more emotions it arouses. It's because of sensations like these that cars like the Morgan Three Wheeler or Caterham Seven, unquestionably basic and technically obsolete, continue to be as current as they were on the day they were born several decades ago.

Because in the end, what really counts are the sensations. And there is nothing purer than a man-machine connection without intermediaries in between. That's where we find the «essence of driving» and that's where Chris Harris wants to take us in another episode of Drive. Watch the video, in yet another case where the thesis that less is more applies in all its fullness. Chris Harris checks:

Text: Guilherme Ferreira da Costa

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