Drive-in raves, the new fad in Germany… and next in the world?


At a time when the rules of social distancing are still in force, in Germany a new “phenomenon” has emerged: the raves drive-in.

Inspired by drive-in movie theaters that became famous in the middle of the last century in the USA, drive-in raves allow you to enjoy this type of party without violating the rules of social distance.

The Club Index drive-in raves…

One of the first drive-in raves was made by the Club Index (a nightclub in the city of Schüttorf).

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To do so, they set up a stage like those we find at festivals, and a sound and lighting system in a… car park.

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Uma publicação partilhada por Devin Wild (@devinwildnl) a

In total, between April 30th and May 2nd, the Club Index organized three Autodisco parties with 250 cars, each of which could have only two occupants.

… and the World Club Dome

In addition to the Club Index, the World Club Dome also organized two drive-in raves.

The two parties were entitled to the “largest hydraulic screen in the world”, fire cannons and CO2 and each had 1000 guests.

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Uma publicação partilhada por BigCityBeats WORLD CLUB DOME (@worldclubdome) a

To ensure social distance, car windows had to be kept closed. The music was broadcast through car radios. Although alcohol was served, no incident was reported of a drunken participant getting out of the car to which he was confined.

At a time when social distancing measures continue to have to apply, both the Club Index and the World Club Dome have announced that they plan to do more drive-in raves in the future.

World Club Dome Drive in Rave

Razão Automóvel's team will continue online, 24 hours a day, during the COVID-19 outbreak. Follow the recommendations of the General Directorate of Health, avoid unnecessary travel. Together we will be able to overcome this difficult phase.

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