Bugatti Veyron Vs. Nissan Juke with 700 hp | Who will win?


Making comparisons between a Bugatti Veyron and a Nissan GT-R is still acceptable, now, wanting to compare a Bugatti Veyron to a Nissan Juke-R is too much, don't you think? Well… maybe it's not that far-fetched.

The Nissan Juke-R comes with a 3.8 liter Bi-Turbo V6 engine with almost 550 hp, while the Veyron brings with it 1001 horsepower. That is, almost twice the power. But watch out, because the guys from Shpilli Villi thought that 550 hp in a Nissan Juke was too little, so they decided to let the Juke deliver an insane 700 hp of power.

Despite this significant increase in power, there are still 300 hp in favor of the Veyron, and as we all know, 300 hp is still a lot of “fruit”. Or is it not? That's what we'll discover in the video below:

Well, the Bugatti there got the better of finishing the mile in 27,067 seconds, while the Nissan Juke-R finished right behind with a time of 27.273 seconds (0.206 seconds difference). Amazing… Still, the Juke-R got the better of passing the 1/4 mile, in just 10.575 seconds, 0.701 seconds less than the Bugatti Veyron. Who ever said that comparing a Bugatti Veyron to a Nissan Juke-R was absurd…??

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