Google's autonomous car is more careful around children


Despite having already caused 16 accidents in tests in California, all due to human error, the brand guarantees that its autonomous car is getting better and better.

Since 2009, the American giant has been perfecting its autonomous car, capable of driving alone. The task has not been easy and one of the challenges is precisely to make the machine able to predict human behavior. Now, with the amount of children taking to the streets to celebrate Halloween, this was the perfect time for Google to test the safety of its future autonomous car.

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Thanks to intelligent software and sensors carefully placed around the car, it is possible to identify any small two-meter rebel, even if it is masked in its favorite spider-man disguise. With this information, the car realizes that it has to behave differently, due to the unpredictability that children represent on public roads.

A good driver always knows when to redouble his attention, and this is another step towards Google's goal of simulating human driving. We would like it to be possible to improve the handling of some humans that “easily”.

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