The first details of the new Second Circular


The debate around the project that intends to remodel the main highway to Lisbon has just started. We share with you the first details.

The president of the CML, Fernando Medina, presented this week five arguments that justify the approval of the Second Circular project. To this information was added the decision to extend the public consultation until the 29th of this month (suggestions should be addressed to the Mayor of Lisbon to the e-mail: [email protected]). All information was published yesterday on the municipality's website.

Later today, from 5 pm to 8 pm, the councilor of Urbanism at CML, Manuel Salgado, will attend a clarification session on the project that, according to him, will increase the safety, fluidity and environmental sustainability of the city. Second Circular. The most skeptical points the finger at the project, arguing that the proposal of the municipal executive is more than a urban planning project, it is a project of landscape architecture.

In the circle that opposes these measures are taxi drivers, drivers and the ACP (Automóvel Club de Portugal). Architects, engineers and landscape technicians are in favor of them. The initiative open to the public will take place in the auditorium of Alto dos Moinhos and is organized by the publication Transportes em Revista.

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Among the proposed reformulations are the installation of a tree-lined central divider 3.5 meters wide – and with about 7,000 trees – marking the right lane for entrances and exits and reducing the width of the lanes to 3.25 meters . Repaving the road, restructuring the drainage system, adopting more efficient lighting, reducing the maximum speed from 80km/h to 60km/h and closing the access at 3 nodes will be other main measures that CML intends to take forward.

Other relevant data on the works in the second circular

  • Start of works: 1st semester of 2016;
  • Expected duration: 11 months;
  • Estimated investment: 12 million euros;
  • Construction hours: night.

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