Waking up and having the car turned into a cardboard tuning


The project is called Slapdash Supercars and was born on the streets of Amsterdam. First anonymously but after the mask fell authorship was left to Max Siedentopf. At the age of 24, he wandered through the night on the rails of the Dutch capital with cardboard and duct tape in hand…

In Portuguese, the artistic current of Careless Supercars, transforms conventional vehicles (especially old and falling apart) into authentic tunings with rear wings, front grilles with a new life, spoilers and other touchable finishes through the bodywork outside.

VICE Magazine, in its taste for investigative journalism, didn't wait for answers and went to meet Max Siedentopf for an interview: “I think that by decorating other people's vehicles I'm doing them a great favor”, concludes Siedentopf without any contrition.

He even added that the project arose from the huge demand on the part of society to gain individuality, personality and own style: “We live in an era where individuality and self-expression are at the peak of all times. We want to customize everything to be unique. However, for some reason, the individualization of cars has drastically decreased over the last few years.”

Basically, Siedentopf upgrades cars with some age group, using cardboard boxes without asking anyone's permission. It's a kind of free and cheeky Pimp My Ride. Dutch, if you want to escape this saga, buy new cars! But now you ask: what about the owners' reactions?

The irreverent young man responded to this question, in statements to the British Metro newspaper: "Of course I was eager to see the reactions, but sometimes the imagination of what might have happened is much nicer than reality and poses far fewer problems." (Damn, what self-control, boy!)

Only in Amsterdam… And you, what would you do if Max Siedentopf turned your “classic” into a cardboard tuning?

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