Used vehicles imported prior to 2007 will be entitled to IUC refund


The news is being advanced by Agência Lusa and is the most recent episode of the IUC “novela” paid for imported used vehicles prior to 2007.

According to the news agency, the Tax Authority stated that it has given “internal guidelines for not pursuing the litigation regarding the IUC charged to vehicles that have been registered, for the first time, in a member state of the European Union or the European Economic Area before July 2007”.

Apparently, the tax authorities intend to return the amount charged in excess in the last four years to imported used vehicles prior to 2007, a value to which interest for late payment may be added. Although there is still no official data, it seems that the refund of the IUC should cover the previous four years.

What will need to be done?

Although Agência Lusa claims that an official source said that "the Government asked the AT to release, soon, a public clarification on the subject through a note to be published on the Finance Portal", if this decision is confirmed, taxpayers will having to complain to receive the amount of payments made improperly.

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According to Público, those who paid IUC in excess will have to ask the tax authorities for an unofficial review of the tax. To do this, you will not only have to provide proof of the year of the car's first registration, but also of the country of origin and provide proof that you have paid the IUC in recent years.

Still on this matter, an official source at the Ministry of Finance told Agência Lusa that, for the time being, it is not possible to carry out a rigorous assessment of the “universe covered and the corresponding amounts of tax to be refunded”.

Finally, in statements to Agência Lusa, the Ministry of Finance also stated that the actions of the Tax Authority are in line with the "orientation given to improve the relationship with the taxpayer, namely in the dimension of eliminating unnecessary litigation".

Sources: Agência Lusa, Observer, Público.

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