BMW - UKL platform will produce 12 front-wheel drive models by 2022


After announcing the launch of its first front-wheel drive car, the 1 Series GT, BMW confirms a true break with tradition and moves towards the production of 12 BMW and Mini models on this unterklasse platform.

Turning without fear of losing fans

“In the 90s we broke with tradition when we started selling SUVs alongside our sedans. Customers realized that they could get the dynamics of a BMW through an SUV. We're going to see the same transition with front-wheel drive vehicles,” says the head of the Munich brand's front-wheel drive products.

BMW believes that the development of this new front-wheel drive platform, to be applied to smaller models in the premium segment and to the Minis, will catapult the brand's sales to a level never reached before. The German construction company claims that it will be able to produce better front-wheel drive than all its rivals and that it will be the market leader - "we are entering new segments and attracting new customers to whom we can prove that it is possible to drive a front-wheel drive vehicle very well" – says Klaus Draeger, responsible for the brand's research and development department.

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It is a turning point that represents a break with traditions and with it what many say is a true betrayal of principles - a rejection of fan passion and assuming that many BMWs of the future can only walk sideways if we put the handbrake on…sorry, with the electric brake after all, not even that will be possible. Confronted with this issue, BMW devalues ​​and believes that the accusation of fans that this will be too risky a step, is similar to what has already been experienced in relation to SUVs.

A Thread That Will Grow Like Mushrooms

The premium compact segment is in fashion and Ian Robertson, head of marketing and sales at BMW and chairman of Rolls-Royce, believes that the growth of the segment in the United States and China can lead to the success of this bet in a market that, like the others believe to be receptive to these models to which front-wheel drive is intended.

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The brand does not deny and we may even come to see the launch of 3 more models of front wheel drive, including the next X1 which may already be one of the sacrificed - in addition to front wheel drive, it is expected that the X1 will no longer be available with engines 6 cylinders, all to save space.

Those responsible for the German construction company say that this measure will improve cars like the 1 Series, which will gain more legroom for those who sit in their rear seats, as well as the existence of a “true” fifth place

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Text: Diogo Teixeira

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