Koenigsegg Agera RSN hits 389.4 km/h on the VMAX200


Present at the British event known as VMAX200, this Koenigsegg Agera RSN — basically, the last Agera RS to be manufactured — set the record for maximum speed reached in these events dedicated to supercar owners, which, by the way, belonged to another Koenigsegg — in this case, a One:1, which reached 386, 2 km/h, in 2016.

Still on the record now achieved, of 389.4 km/h , was obtained by one of Koenigsegg's factory drivers, Niklas Lilja, after the car's owner, Briton Neil Miller, hit 376.5 km/h on the same route.

The car has been spotless all day. We had to make some adjustments to the active rear wing as the day progressed, so it will most likely be possible to go even faster on a future attempt.

Niklas Lilja, Koenigsegg pilot

The Koenigsegg Agera RS, let us remember, is also the holder of the 0-400 km/h-0 record, and when it did, the 400 km/h was reached in just 1740.2 m, so, as Niklas Lilja said, it still exists. margin for improvement.

Koenigsegg Agera RSN 2018

Koenigsegg Agera RS remains the fastest

In 2017, a Koenigsegg Agera RS set a new Guinness world speed record in the Nevada desert by reaching the 447.2 km/h.

The record was set at the request of a customer, who wanted to ascertain the advertised capabilities of their Koenigsegg. A camera placed inside revealed that the Agera RS even reached 457.7 km/h — a speed that, however, was not approved, as the final speed is calculated using the average of the passages made in both directions of the path.

Production of Agera RS has ended

Koenigsegg announced, at the beginning of April, that it had completed the construction of the 25 Agera RS planned, and, at this moment, it is already producing the two Agera RS Final Edition.

Koenigsegg Regera 2018
Koenigsegg Regera

After the construction of these two units, the Swedish manufacturer will then dedicate itself to the production of the Regera.

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Agera RSN was the last… or almost

As for this Agera RSN, it will have been, technically, the last unit of the model produced, although the company was later forced to manufacture a unit named “Gryphon”, since the original was seriously destroyed, in an accident while in tests.

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