Formula E - Environmentally friendly and with Mclaren engine confirmed


After the FIA ​​(Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile) reached an agreement with the Formula E Holdings Ltd (FEH) and moved forward with the new Formula E championship, there is more progress in environmentally friendly F1: Mclaren joins in this project and confirms the production of the electric motors.

The world is increasingly asking for clean energies that guarantee the Earth's sustainability. Despite the heresy of my last words, coming from a petrolhead, I can't help but agree with the urgent need to look for more efficient ways to make the wheels of a vehicle move. As long as you move it very quickly and you can reproduce an identical song, I don't see why we fight against the future of the planet.

Formula E - Environmentally friendly and with Mclaren engine confirmed 23201_1

This is exactly what Mclaren thought when it launched its quest for green motors – “we who already make fast moving fax machines can also make electric motors!” And so it will be – the competition giants will supply the engines for the Formula E. Mclaren already produces electrical components for the traditional F1, but this time the heart of the machines in competition will be up to you!

These Formula Es will be presented already in 2013 and the championship is expected to start in 2014. In addition to Brazil, India can also be one of the candidates to receive a race in this tram Grand Prix.

Formula E - Environmentally friendly and with Mclaren engine confirmed 23201_2

Text: Diogo Teixeira

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