And the brand that the Portuguese most sought after in 2016 was...


Toyota, BMW and Honda. These are the most searched brands on Google worldwide.

After a period marked by a slowdown in sales, 2016 was a year of growth for the automotive sector. All over the world, internet search engines – particularly Google – continue to be the first tool for anyone thinking of buying a car.

Therefore, Quickco tried to find out which brands were most searched by internet users in each country in 2016, and gathered the data on a map that you can see below:

And the brand that the Portuguese most sought after in 2016 was... 23359_1

Toyota was the most researched brand in 74 of the 193 countries analyzed, ahead of BMW (51 countries) and Hyundai (17 countries). Together, these three brands represent 73% of the total brands plus searches by country.

Given the brand's popularity around the world, the big surprise in this study is perhaps the absence of Ford – the American brand was not the most researched in any country.

And the brand that the Portuguese most sought after in 2016 was... 23359_2

In Portugal, as happened all over Europe, BMW was the most searched brand on Google , followed by Hyundai and Volkswagen. Consult the list of the best selling cars in the national market here.

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