And the favorite car brand of the Portuguese is…


If you've ever wondered about the Portuguese car brand's favorite, here's the answer to your question. According to the global ranking Marktest Reputation Index (MRI), Mercedes-Benz was considered the preferred car brand of the Portuguese.

The MRI study was carried out by Marktest and Jornal Expresso and in the automotive sector it had among the main evaluation criteria attributes such as “Image”, “Word of Mouth (WOM)” (how much the public talks about the brand), “Confidence” or "Family".

In the study by Marktest and Jornal Expresso, brands from other business areas were also evaluated, and in the Top 10, Mercedes-Benz was ranked as the 5th favorite brand among the Portuguese (in a general ranking) and the first not belonging to the food sector. . Also in the Top 10, BMW's presence in 8th place (2nd among car brands) stands out.

Marktest index
In the Top 10 of the MRI ranking there are only two car brands, Mercedes-Benz and BMW, with most of the others in the foodstuffs sector.

Sales confirm preference

The Portuguese preference for Mercedes-Benz in the Marktest Reputation Index global ranking finds a parallel in sales: in 2018 Mercedes-Benz was not only the third best-selling brand (not including commercials) in the national market, but also achieved an absolute sales record in the Portuguese market.

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In all, the Stuttgart brand sold 16 464 cars in Portugal last year (an increase of 1.2% compared to 2017), with the Class A among the most successful models, with 5682 units sold (+21% compared to 2017). 2017) and Class C, which reached 2328 units sold.

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